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С Turkishleather.com (проектом Стамбульской ассоциации экспортеров кожи и кожаных изделий) вы можете легко найти подходящую альтернативу, выбрав нужное Вам среди сотен одобренных крупных производителей и тысяч готовых моделей, которые могут быть выпущены под Вашей собственной торговой маркой.
Тысячи готовых моделей ждут вашего заказа: начиная от обуви на каблуках до босоножек, от клатчей до кошельков как для женщин, так и для мужчин, от лоферов до ремней, от товаров из необработанной кожи до стильных меховых и кожаных курток.
Turkishleather.com – это платформа, на которой каждый день со всего мира поступают сотни запросов на позаказное производство, ценовые предложения и проведение встреч через Zoom; эта платформа станет вашим главным партнером по решениям касательно поставок обуви, изделий из кожи, кожаной одежды и изделий из необработанной кожи! К тому же она совершенно бесплатна!
Turkish Leather
Clothing has always been determined both by needs and fashion. While these two contradict from time to time, leather has always been one of the most used materials in many kinds of outfits. Looking at today's fashion trends, it is seen that clothing is much more than just covering the private parts of the human body. In fact, dressing is more than just choosing clothes suitable for seasonal conditions. People now see fashion and clothing as ways to express themselves; while in the past, just like now, clothing was preferred for more than one purpose. Of course, being "stylish" as it is now was not one of the purposes, but it was more than just covering up. Clothing has been the first assistant of humanity in protecting from the cold. Humanity, which has learned to benefit from the meat of captured animals with the help of their instincts, has made its difference from other animals by making use of the leather of these animals. Leather, which is one of the first raw materials used since the first periods of history, has been and is used for footwear as well as for upper clothing. With the processing of raw materials becoming a profession, leather manufacturers emerged centuries ago and still continue to produce the highest quality clothing products today.
Professionality in Leather Manufacturing
Being a leather product manufacturer means having one of the first professions in history. One of the changes that the flow of history brought to humanity has been industrialization, after this event, mass production took the place of individual production, and the number of leather factories increased day by day. Although leather has been the raw material of clothing products for centuries, it has been used in many different areas for a certain time. So, how is one of the oldest raw materials in history made suitable for use? Raw materials are prepared for use in places called tannery. The preparation process has many steps. The first thing to note is that the raw material is extremely suitable for bacterial activities. Leather supplier companies first apply the salting process in order to completely prevent this bacterial activity. Thanks to the salting process, the water level is reduced and bacterial activities are prevented. The next step is the soaking process. After the bacterial activities are prevented, the raw material is brought together with the water again, and it becomes completely possible to get rid of the dirt. In addition, thanks to the soaking process, the raw material regains its puffy structure.