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Treffpunkt der Lederindustrie

Treffpunkt der Lederindustrie

Sie können Hunderte von Schuh- und Lederwarenherstellern und Tausende von Lederprodukten für B2B-Lieferungen wie Schuhe, Taschen, Geldbörsen, Gürtel, Pelze und Rohleder kostenlos erreichen, schnelle Zoom-Meetings vereinbaren, Ihre Anfragen für die Herstellung von Eigenmarken weitergeben und Sonderangebote für Ihr Unternehmen von Hunderten von Herstellern erhalten.

International Events Contributed by Istanbul Leather and Leather Products Exporters Association (IDMIB) and Events from Our Industry
Jan 2025
Expo Riva Schuh & Gardabags 2025/1
Expo Riva Schuh & Gardabags 2025/1
Sep 2024
Turkish Leather @ LINEAPELLE 2024-2 (17-19 SEPTEMBER)
Turkish Leather @ LINEAPELLE 2024-2 (17-19 SEPTEMBER)
Sep 2024
Turkish Shoes @ MICAM 2024-2 @ MICAM Турецкая Обувь @MICAM Türkische Schuhe @ MICAM
Turkish Shoes @ MICAM 2024-2 @ MICAM Турецкая Обувь @MICAM Türkische Schuhe @ MICAM
Sep 2024
Turkish Shoes @ AYMOD International Shoe Fashion Fair 2024-2
Turkish Shoes @ AYMOD International Shoe Fashion Fair 2024-2
Mär 2024
Turkish Leather @ APLF HONG KONG 2024 @ APLF HONG KONG 2024 Турецкая кожа @ APLF HONG KONG 2024 Türkisches Leder @ APLF HONG KONG 2024
Turkish Leather @ APLF HONG KONG 2024 @ APLF HONG KONG 2024 Турецкая кожа @ APLF HONG KONG 2024 Türkisches Leder @ APLF HONG KONG 2024
Feb 2024
Turkish Leather @ LINEAPELLE 2024-1
Turkish Leather @ LINEAPELLE 2024-1
Feb 2024
Turkish Shoes @ MICAM 2024-1 @ MICAM Турецкая Обувь @MICAM Türkische Schuhe @ MICAM
Turkish Shoes @ MICAM 2024-1 @ MICAM Турецкая Обувь @MICAM Türkische Schuhe @ MICAM
Okt 2023
Turkish Shoes @ USA Trade Delegation 2023-2
Turkish Shoes @ USA Trade Delegation 2023-2
Okt 2023
Turkish Shoes @ South Korea Trade Delegation 2023-2
Turkish Shoes @ South Korea Trade Delegation 2023-2
Neue Produkte
Sie können in Tausenden von Schuhen, Taschen, Geldbörsen, Lederwaren wie Gürteln, Lederbekleidung wie Pelzen, Lederjacken und Rohledermodellen stöbern, die sich für die Herstellung von Eigenmarken eignen.
Alles entdecken 363 Produkte
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Als Mitglied unseres Verbandes können Sie Hunderte von großen Schuh-, Lederwaren- und Lederbekleidungsherstellern sowie Gerbereien erreichen, spezielle Angebote für Ihr Unternehmen anfordern und Online-Meetings vereinbaren.
29 Produkte
Çalışganlar Deri
6 Produkte
Cevahir Leather
26 Produkte
Turgut Kardeşler
23 Produkte
Hira Deri
7 Produkte
6 Produkte
Alles entdecken 63 Brands
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Finden Sie die am besten geeigneten Produkte und Hersteller für Ihren Bedarf und lassen Sie sie unter Ihrer eigenen Marke produzieren!

Mit, einem Projekt der Istanbul Leather & Leather Products Exporters' Association, können Sie ganz einfach die richtige Alternative finden, indem Sie die gewünschten Details aus Hunderten von zugelassenen Riesenherstellern und Tausenden von fertigen Modellen herausfiltern, die mit Ihrer eigenen Marke versehen werden können.

Von Absatzschuhen bis zu Sandalen, von Clutch-Bags bis zu Geldbörsen für Damen und Herren, von Loafers bis zu Gürteln, von Rohleder bis zu modischen Pelzen und Lederjacken - Tausende von fertigen Modellen warten auf Ihre Bestellung., wo jeden Tag Hunderte von Anfragen für kundenspezifische Produktion, Preisangebote und Zoom-Meetings aus der ganzen Welt eingehen, wird Ihr erster Lösungspartner für die Lieferung von Schuhen, Lederwaren, Lederbekleidung und Rohlederprodukten sein; Zudem ist es völlig kostenlos.!

Zuverlässige Produkte
Online Meetings

Turkish Leather

Clothing has always been determined both by needs and fashion. While these two contradict from time to time, leather has always been one of the most used materials in many kinds of outfits. Looking at today's fashion trends, it is seen that clothing is much more than just covering the private parts of the human body. In fact, dressing is more than just choosing clothes suitable for seasonal conditions. People now see fashion and clothing as ways to express themselves; while in the past, just like now, clothing was preferred for more than one purpose. Of course, being "stylish" as it is now was not one of the purposes, but it was more than just covering up. Clothing has been the first assistant of humanity in protecting from the cold. Humanity, which has learned to benefit from the meat of captured animals with the help of their instincts, has made its difference from other animals by making use of the leather of these animals. Leather, which is one of the first raw materials used since the first periods of history, has been and is used for footwear as well as for upper clothing. With the processing of raw materials becoming a profession, leather manufacturers emerged centuries ago and still continue to produce the highest quality clothing products today.


Professionality in Leather Manufacturing

Being a leather product manufacturer means having one of the first professions in history. One of the changes that the flow of history brought to humanity has been industrialization, after this event, mass production took the place of individual production, and the number of leather factories increased day by day. Although leather has been the raw material of clothing products for centuries, it has been used in many different areas for a certain time. So, how is one of the oldest raw materials in history made suitable for use? Raw materials are prepared for use in places called tannery. The preparation process has many steps. The first thing to note is that the raw material is extremely suitable for bacterial activities. Leather supplier companies first apply the salting process in order to completely prevent this bacterial activity. Thanks to the salting process, the water level is reduced and bacterial activities are prevented. The next step is the soaking process. After the bacterial activities are prevented, the raw material is brought together with the water again, and it becomes completely possible to get rid of the dirt. In addition, thanks to the soaking process, the raw material regains its puffy structure.

Leather process includes many more titles, one of the most important of them is the process of removing hair. In the next process, the oily layer is removed because it does not have an important place in leather production. Leather shoes are one of the most preferred products, so the thickness of this raw material varies according to the usage area. Therefore, thickness determination processes are also included. In the following processes, the thickness of the leather can be adjusted, the oil ratio is brought to the appropriate level, the desired fullness is obtained and the moisture level is reduced. In this way, the application of dyeing processes becomes possible. Shoe manufacturers use leather very often because leather is a raw material that has gained a reputation for clothing all over the world and has proven its quality. Therefore, it is a more attractive choice not only for manufacturers but also for consumers compared to products made from other materials.


Unique Benefits of Leather Products

Although hundreds or even thousands of years have passed since humanity began to benefit from animals as raw material, leather is still very often preferred. One of the primary reasons why people prefer leather products is longevity. Products made of artificial leather are extremely short-lived. For example, leather bags can be used for years as a product, while versions made of artificial leather do not last even 1 year. Imitation products crack and tear easily, therefore they are not considered economical at all. In addition, imitation leather products also contain petroleum as a material, which ultimately makes them impossible to recycle. Non-recyclable imitation leather products pose a serious threat to nature. Leather goods manufacturers not only produce style and quality products but also produce products that will be used for many years if maintained. In addition, the satisfaction with the purchased product reflects positively on the sales. Manufactured in, professional methods products such as a leather jacket, brings out the difference between an imitation and real leather. Thus, one might say that leather never loses its reputation because it does not disappoint. The number of people who are satisfied with the leather product purchased and prefer this raw material for other products is not low at all. It becomes extremely simple to choose leather shoes as a result of the satisfaction of purchasing a leather coat. It should be reminded that this raw material has been in use for thousands of years. Time and developing technology change many habits, but trust and love for leather is not one of them.

The reputation of leather for its trust and the reasons for its preference are obvious. But this does not cover all the aspects of these products. When it comes to leather products, the main product that comes to mind is of course jacket and shoes. But leather goods are not limited to jackets and shoes. Moreover, the habit of preferring leather is not limited to these products. For example, a leather belt is one of the most preferred leather products. As in all other clothing products, elegance and durability become completely different when the raw material used in the belt is leather. Another highly preferred product is the leather wallet. These products, which are both stylish and possible to use for many years, have many fans. Leather garments bring elegance and durability, complete the combinations and gain people's trust thanks to their continuity. Also, continuity means taking part in memories, and that means emotional bonding. It would not be an exaggeration to point out that people who prefer leather are passionate people. Leather goods are favorite of many industries besides the clothing industry as well. It is possible to encounter the use of leather in every place where quality is sought, from seat covers to backdrops, from ornaments to soccer balls.


Leather and Fur Manufacturing

Another issue that should not be taken into account when talking about clothing choices, of course, is the elegance of fur. Like leather, fur is among the most preferred raw materials. A common feature of leather and fur is that they are both considered status symbols. These products, which have become much more than their intended use in the first years, are able to make the consumer feel special. A product that you feel special while using, that you enjoy the look on you and that lasts for many years is of course unique. People who are fur manufacturers are also aware of this and they have been doing their jobs with pleasure as a result of the preference of these products for centuries. When the products are so unique in terms of feeling and pleasant to use, the demand is high. When this is the case, the preference for private label products is also increasing. Shoe factories are one of the leading factories in terms of production because the need for shoes clearly changes from season to season. Considering that clothing means more than keeping up with seasonal conditions, private label shoes are one of the most preferred products in many parts of the world. In private label, which is profitable investment for sellers, the choice of leather also satisfies the buyers and positively affects their purchasing habits.

A pleasant shopping experience becomes possible both for the person who buys and sells and for the person who buys the product last. You can also become a part of the clothing industry and bring both profitable and valuable products to your customers. Do not forget, being a part of the clothing industry means not only bringing the products to the people who buy them, but also giving people the chance to express themselves with their elegance!

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